
Life Lately | Thoughts on Brooklyn

When we left our tiny Railroad apartment, in Brooklyn, we knew it was for the best, yet so bittersweet. Saying goodbye to the place we moved into straight after our honeymoon, the place that was going to be called our's, the place that carried memories, was the place for solitude and most important, watched me grow. It was a challenge being in the city and there were many times, I felt at my lowest and vulnerable.

Justin and I grew up in the same small town of Pennsylvania and yet, he moved on and had resided in the city, shortly after graduating college. When we started dating, I would spend my weekends driving to the train station to head into Penn Station and there would be my guy, patiently awaiting my arrival. It never crossed my mind of what things would be like, relocation and moving away from my family/friends as I solely focused on my city adventures. Because when you are young and in love, isn't dreaming of what your life would be like together, completely normal?!

After the wedding and honeymoon, we anxiously awaited to turn the key to our humble abode, perched up high on the third floor. We lived a few blocks from Prospect Park, near the best restaurants and had Manhattan within reach, most important! We were together. I suppose this is where I am supposed to say we lived Happily Ever After...

There were often times I questioned if I was cut out for the city. As most of the times when I visited Justin, we would go off adventuring and having fun but this was a time to get serious and find out who I was, as a wife and as a young woman. I wish I could tell you everyday was perfect, but it was not, it was work. There were days of doubt and fear, days where I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do. There were day's I had to dig really really hard, to find the love and compassion for myself and others. The city can be cold, full of intense and emotionally draining people but one thing I learned is it made me stronger, helping me define and question and really dig down deep into this heart of mine. What we all really need is, to give ourselves some grace and forgiveness on issues that have hampered our hearts of forgiveness. It took some time and confidence, but in the end, that city, my city, made me who I am today. 

We are all able to learn something about ourselves, during the most arduous moments. My heart has since then healed, I have become a stronger and confident woman, trusting in God. The love and thanksgiving for my husband is still as alive and flourishing as the day we met, and I thank him for being the biggest cheerleader in my life (along with my beautiful mother!)
New York City... I love you! I love you for the walking, the fashion, the people, those tall building's and bridges, art exhibit's, the subway, the food...did I even begin to mention the food? Thanks for keeping it real, for teaching me the most about myself and the best part of all, thanks for being you!

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