It really reminded us of our hometown in Pennsylvania and any place with chickens and goats makes me happy. One day, a dream of my very own chicken coop will come true. I cannot express to you the balance of living in the suburbs, and having the city and yet the country roads, all within reach of us. I sure get homesick and lonesome at times. A good dose of a drive home to visit family in PA always seems to help but finding farms like these are a great way to soothe a lonesome 'homesick' heart.
We walked around the farm, watching Blake roam the fields and wave to the chickens to feeding the goats. Though the wind started to pick up and the sun was slowly setting, we made sure to pick up a few goodies to take home with us and warm up with a mug of hot apple cider.
This time of the year is just so wonderful and it was so great to see Blake running around in the hay tunnel, playing peek a boo with Justin and watching him smile at the farm animals. I'll take rosy cheeks and wind blown hair any day, as long as I get to spend time with my guy's. I hope you all adjusted to the time change and were able to sneak in a little extra fun for your Sunday, as well.

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