
Life Lately | A New Season

It's that time of the year again! Love this time where we can all start putting on the cozy sweaters, crock pots filled with hearty meals and hearing the wind stir up the leaves. It is such a time for feeling warmth and love deep down in our hearts. There has already been a lot of coffee with pumpkin creamer and a little low key album The Weatherman on repeat with harvest scented candles lit and cozy slippers on our feet.
It has been some time since my last post. I have a stirring in my heart for some solace and quiet time and also, figuring out a balance for everything. With Justin's schedule being so all over the place, my time with Blake is pretty much a 24/7 deal. I have to learn that with no family around us here in New Jersey, that there will be some tiresome, intense feelings and emotions. I also have found, that these are some of the best of days. Without the intense emotions to push through in my heart and awaken my soul, there wouldn't be the feeling of thankfulness. The thanksgiving in the time I am able to transport back and forth from New Jersey and off to visit my hometown of Pennsylvania only to find that I am able to spend time with my two guy's, hearing crunchy leaves with each footstep, in Central Park. I am beyond gracious in the timing of everything and yet, seeking this balance in my life, has given me a whole new perspective on things.
I will take the messy days as they are and the days where the laundry is piled up. Yes, the cupboards and closets may need organized and I haven't a clue when the little projects that need a tending to in our little gingerbread home in the suburbs, will ever get done. But for now, it can all wait, because I'm busy over here being a mother and taking on my role as housewife, seriously.  For now, the feeling of two tiny little hands wrap around my legs tightly, hearing those precious lips utter the word "mom' is taking over. I will fill in the words and pictures to these blank pages, as I can. As always, I appreciate you stopping by. A Happy New Season to each of you, just the same.

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