We really have been so blessed in the neighboring department throughout the years. In Brooklyn, we had the sweetest neighbors across from us and left with full heart's knowing that we gained trust and safety throughout those years residing there. Being away from family has never been easy on us. Now that we are out in the suburbs, we struck the luck again and have been fortunate to become close and get connected. So when we were invited to Arden's 2nd birthday party, we couldn't pass it up and miss out on the cute fun! Blake had so much fun playing with other kids there, as well as getting to run around in the sun. The party was adorable and Minnie Mouse themed! Most of the food and decorations were all handmade and too sweet! I especially loved the fun I got to have with my guy's!
Photography | The VanDuyne's Maternity |
Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by! It has been so much fun putting use my new-found love & hobby,- photography! There are countless and endless amounts of talent in photography out there (one of my dearest friendship's are living proof of just that!) With that being said, it pushes you to try to be at your happiest with your own creativity and strive for happiness with equipment that you have.
I shoot with a Canon 7D and use a variation of different lenses. I love the 7D for not only a continued performance of quality images, but the raves it get's for video footage. My husband has immense talent in that department and raves and swears by the 7D.
It was an honor to capture this couple's sweet moment and I'm sure that that little 'E' will be absolutely gorgeous and oh, so loved!

52 Project | For You, My Son |
It has been so amazing to see the transformation of my son. Everything from his tiny features, (i love that light blonde hair of his and those baby blue eyes) to his tiny personality...
I had a conversation after the new year started up, with one of my nearest and dearest friends, Anissa from http://www.iadorestyle.com/
As per our usual mama to mama, straight from the heart phone conversations, we both mentioned inspiration from a few blogs on the 52 Project.
I absolutely love the thought of a weekly photograph of your child. They change and grow so quickly and how often, a many of us are using the phrase, "Time can slow down anytime". I have written off that very thought, because time is just way to fast for me to even try to catch up to.
I feel it is a journey, living only one life, blessed on this earth and given timeless opportunity to pursue and change the person we are. Being a mother, oh it has brought the greatest joy in my life and continued to inspire me to become a better woman, daily. Though often enough, people forget how there can be challenging and tough days, especially for a stay at home mommy. I will admit though, the happiest of times have come through those days.
I absolutely admire photography, all walks of it. So happy to share the last 24 weeks and will be so happy to post weekly, from here on out.
I absolutely love the thought of a weekly photograph of your child. They change and grow so quickly and how often, a many of us are using the phrase, "Time can slow down anytime". I have written off that very thought, because time is just way to fast for me to even try to catch up to.
I feel it is a journey, living only one life, blessed on this earth and given timeless opportunity to pursue and change the person we are. Being a mother, oh it has brought the greatest joy in my life and continued to inspire me to become a better woman, daily. Though often enough, people forget how there can be challenging and tough days, especially for a stay at home mommy. I will admit though, the happiest of times have come through those days.
I absolutely admire photography, all walks of it. So happy to share the last 24 weeks and will be so happy to post weekly, from here on out.
I love you, my son. Thank you for making me a better person and for bringing me joy in being a mother.
9 months - morning playtime
silly baby faces, watching daddy leave for work
showing off those baby teeth! bath time
baby feet and curiosity
10 months - bath time in kitchen sink
playtime and peekaboo

stripes and baby love
11 months - cruising around the house
first swing at belmar beach
11 months - first art project
you are my I love you
exploring at the library
12 months - Dumbo NYC playgrounds
proud and happy baby on the move
Trains! pointing at everything with excitement
13 months - Pennsylvania fun in the country!
chasing the sunshine
52 Project